Year in Review

Even through the pandemic, we accomplished a lot this last year. Here are some highlights:

All of our monuments and brick entries were cleaned and we are finishing up the relandscaping of these areas. Our new landscaper, GP, is doing a great job of refreshing 25 year old landscaping and bringing us into compliance with water conservation. They have in-stalled drip systems wherever possible and converted our irrigation system to reclaimed water. Many of the trees along Maritime and Lakepoint are in the process of being replaced as well.

Our pool deck was redone and we are getting ready to replaster the pool for the 2021 pool season. All of the wrought iron fences in the community were repaired and repainted and a pedestrian gate was installed at Catarina Park.

Many of our call boxes were updated and some of the streets in the gated areas will be repaired soon. And finally, our clubhouse was repainted and we are in the process of giving it a facelift so it will be a more inviting gathering place for all.

We continue to take precautions against COVID-19 and have can-celed all social events for the remainder of the year. This, sadly, does include the popular Santa Breakfast. Hopefully 2021 will be kinder to us all!


Resident Spotlight: Nominate Your Neighbor


President’s Message