Tree Maintenance in Elk Grove

It was noted on a recent compliance drive, that there are several homes throughout our gorgeous community, that have overgrown trees, trees with low-hanging branches, or trees that have visibly dying branches. 

With the high heat and the crazy winds we have, we feel it is important to send a reminder of general tree maintenance to not only the Grand Point community but other residents as well. Not only is proper tree trimming important to avoid fire or other damage due to fallen branches, but it is also important for accessibility to your home. In the event of an emergency, emergency personnel (fire, police, ambulance) rely on being able to see the numbers on the front of your home to accurately address emergency situations. When there are impairments, it could prevent emergency personnel from being able to timely respond to an incident. 

In addition, The City of Elk Grove has the following requirements for tree maintenance: 
Trees and shrubs

Trees in front yards must have branches hanging no lower than 10 feet to allow clearance and use of the public sidewalk. Trees hanging over the street require a height no lower than 13 feet to allow clearance by all vehicles.

Please address the necessary tree trimming as soon as possible and feel free to reach out to Management should you have any specific questions or need some additional time to get this addressed. 


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