Pear Tree Removal Project

As many of you know, our beautiful pear trees are infected with a destructive bacterial disease called Fire Blight.

This common and aggressive disease enters the tree at the tips of the branches and then travels down the stems causing dieback. Once trees get fire/pear blight they become weakened, settle into decline where they begin to decay. It can be difficult if not impossible to control the disease.

The Board was advised by our Association Arborist, that trying to care for trees that are infected by fire/pear blight is very expensive. In addition to pear blight, an ever-expanding root system outgrowing their installed location, codominant stems with included bark and a high chance of limb failure are the main reasons that these pear trees no longer serve a purpose in the Lakeside HOA community and get to be replaced with higher quality trees.

We made the tough decision to remove 59 out of the 300 pear trees the Association maintains. These 59 trees are on the Northside and will be replaced with Sunshine Elms, October Glory Maples, and Chinese Pistache trees. 

View a map identifying the location of the trees planned for removal.

The Association’s Arborist provided us with this helpful resource about Fire Blight. Read more about Fire Blight, here


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Resident Alert: SCWA Watering Schedule