Drought Tolerant Landscape Ideas

Letting your grass die impacts your property value, and that of your neighbors. Water restrictions don’t necessarily mean you have to let your landscaping dreams vanish. There are so many wonderful ways to enhance your curb appeal while also being water conscious.

About half of the water we use at home is spent outdoors on landscaping! California has made great strides to improve indoor water efficiency; however, outdoor water efficiency achieves much more water savings.

Different Grass Varieties

Who doesn’t love a lush green lawn? You may want to keep your lawn or part of your lawn especially if you have kids or pets. Or, you may want to reduce your lawn as a first step to saving water and minimizing maintenance. There are so many types of grass and not all are created equal when it comes to watering needs. Some low-water usage grasses are Celebration Bermudagrass (Cynodon Dactylon), or St. Augustine (Stenotaphrum Secundatum)

Can I just let my lawn die?

According to the City of Elk Grove, while in most cases the City will not be enforcing code violations for dead lawns, if you do not intend on changing out the lawn for alternative landscaping, it is recommended you provide water to the lawn at minimum once a week to keep it from dying. Dry vegetation must be maintained to reduce fire danger.

If you plan on changing out your landscaping for drought-tolerant landscaping, please be sure to complete an Architectural Modification Application for review prior to making any adjustments. The typical $50 application fee will be waived for modifications made to reduce water usage. Contact management for more information or for assistance in completing the application.

State Rebate Programs for Water Conservation

The California Department of Water Resources has introduced a new rebate program for water conservation. The program will rebate up to $2 per square foot for lawn replacements to water-efficient landscaping. Residents can get up to $2,000 per household. More information can be found at https://water.ca.gov/Programs


Better Homes and Gardens has some great inspiration for Drought Tolerant landscapes  https://www.bhg.com/gardening/landscaping-projects/landscape-basics/drought-tolerant-landscaping-ideas/


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